Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Young people suck...

Theo Boss is cool no longer...although his name still is.
VeloNews Article

VeloNews: Why did you make the decision to switch from racing on the track to try the road?

Theo Bos: I just wanted to do something else. If you wanted to try to go on the road, now is the time. I am 25 years old. If I waited more, it would probably too late...

What gives with these young guys, eh?? 25 is now getting old? How many guys do we have in the MABRA region who are under 25 and killing it in the P/1/2's? A handful at most. I can think of maybe 2 or 3 names...maybe just 2. I don't know about you guys, but it is hard to really get into the sport at such a young age. Maybe if you're lucky and have some parents that are into it and supportive financially. My parents were cool about it, but didn't really know enough to say, "hey, why don't you sign up to be a junior on "x" cycling club?" Shoot, I didn't really understand it till after college...

Anyway, maybe Theo can join us in the ranks as middle aged pot bellied masters riders one day. That's when the real racing begins anyway...


Unknown said...

I wish I had the opportunity some of the juniors in our area are getting at their age. Life would be a lot different. Oh well, I'd rather be looked at as the kid who scraps all his money, time, and effort to do well. This sport makes me poor, tired, and dejected.

chris said...

I do understand where you are coming from,.. in that life is not always fair. Lance got driven to races by mom and so on but cest le vie. You get the hand dealt and play em. It dont matter whats in your hand if you dont lay em down. Skip Foley just posted a quote on facebook that applies here..the only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.

Lance Lacy said...

i was taken out of school in the 9th grade and was home schooled with tutors so i could train and race all the time...only problem no one knew how to split up a real life and a bike life for me so i mentally burned out big time and didn't touch a bike for 19 yrs.but this is such a great sport where you can pick it up in your 30's or 40's and still be competitive and even race in the nationals(masters)..all these baseball and football fans have softball and flag football and play against the bar across the street every Sunday yea that can fun but that's it, we can travel to Europe and race if we want, travel across states and race real races and not meet at the local high school football field to play flag football. i'm just rambling now i completely forgot what the hell i was trying to say in the first place....damn this A.D.D

Jesse said...

One problem I find is that there are too many "what if.." times some people have. Take the fastest guys in our area for instance and ask what if they had started training seriously at the age of 16 or 17. They'd be super pro probably.

I am looking forward to whipping Lance (the local) at getting the geriatric 80+BAR come 2059 though. ;)

Lance Lacy said...

haha hell bro you and i might be the only ones left by then,and instead of chamois in our bibs we will have depends